The Sanctity of Life and Right to Die: With Special Reference to Euthanasia Debate in India

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Suvek Singh Chauhan, Dr. Sufiya Ahmed


Euthanasia is highly debated issue not only in India but all over the world. The present paper is concerned with the practice of euthanasia in India. The methodology of this paper is based on critical analysis of the ethical issues and judicial approach towards the euthanasia practice in India. The practice of euthanasia is directly connected with right to live a dignified life and die with dignity. It is one of those controversial issues which are related with the jurisprudence of rights. It involves three parties – patient, his/her family and the doctor who performs the action.  The debate on euthanasia became pertinent in the late 20th century.  The views against and favour in euthanasia are presented in this chapter. Through this research article we will critically examine the current legal debate on euthanasia and its legal implications in Indian legal system.

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