Conclusive empirical study on factors influencing employee engagement: Using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM)

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Rathinavel Rajan S, Dr. N. Santhosh Kumar


Recent years Employee Engagement has been the focal point for human resource departments practices and many of the researchers wereaffirmed that employee engagement could be the vital diving factor to make the successful business operations. Hence, the purpose of this study is to investigate the concept of employee engagement, focusing on the determinants, key determinants, and impacts of employee engagement, as well as to find gaps in past engagement studies. Furthermore, the study aspires to lay a conceptual foundation on which future research evidence can be developed.

The study focused to measure and analyse the influence of organizational related factor , Personal factor, and  job-related factors  toward  employee  engagement. A total of 542 participants were polled, and the data analysed using SEM (Structural Equation Modelling Technique).

The outcome of this study stated that the personal factors had major impact on the employee engagement , and ironicallythe workplace environment, as well as team and co-worker relationships, had a significant impact. Employee involvement influenced employee performance significantly by Markus, H. andNurius, P. (1986).

This study suggests and promotes that the strengthening the inline alignment of Organizational factors and job-related factors to boost the self-satisfaction of disengaged employees, while  forming of this bell shape alignment with personal factors would help the longer stay of employees , this will lead to the attain the assigned goalsas referred Helen Murlis and Peggy Schubert (2001).

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