Factors Affecting Ship's Stability Due To Cargo Liquefaction: Nickel Ore and Bauxite
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The stability of a ship is one of the most crucial and critical aspects of its safety and navigational safety, and maritime laws and maritime ordinances govern it. The research outlines vital elements of liquefaction of bulk cargoes loaded on ships, leading to loss of ship stability and severe consequences for the crew's safety and the vessel itself. International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code divides bulk cargoes into three categories. The first category is cargoes which may liquefy. Cargo liquefaction is a severe issue for solid bulk cargo carriers. The motion of ships, especially rolling, engine, and deck equipment vibration will trigger the cargo to liquefy along with the moisture content of the cargo during the voyage. There have been 21 cases documented between 2005 and 2017, resulting in bulk carriers due to cargo liquefaction. This research aims to identify and evaluate the factors that assist in the loss of ship stability when shipping the liquefiable cargo, especially nickel ore and bauxite. The data was collected based on a questionnaire created with Google Forms and given to mariners to complete. After that, factor analysis assesses the elements contributing to the ship's stability loss due to cargo liquefaction. The most significant value found in this research is human error, and mariners should be mindful of the causes identified. More cautions should be exercised when carrying liquefiable products to avert the accidents in the future.