Economic and Social Analysis of the Model of Optimal Water Consumption in Order to Education Sustainable Urban Development

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Mahsa Arab, Mehdi Khakzand


As recent studies show, the world will face a severe water shortage crisis over the next two decades. According to experts, this crisis will be caused by pollution of surface water and groundwater resources, lack of participation of countries in the optimal use of water, mismanagement in the storage of precipitation and excessive and unprincipled use of watershed resources. In the meantime, measures should be taken to minimize the withdrawal of surface and groundwater reserves from watersheds without harming the lives and livelihoods of individuals. This requires extensive research, the most important of which should be to reuse unconventional water, effluents and, in a word, water recycling. The main issue in water recycling is its economic dimension because it is a costly process. First, the costs of providing drinking water were examined, and then the decision was made to recycle water in its simplest form. For this purpose, the costs of the project and the benefits of it were examined, and in the meantime, the reduction of consumption and water costs of the subscribers were studied. The result of the study was that Gray water recycling with different implementation methods can reduce the common monthly consumption by 10 to 25 percent, which in turn reduces the amount of water. In this article, the amount of Gray water recycling and its return to the consumption cycle is discussed through economic analysis and evaluation of water consumption pattern in order to develop watershed management.

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