A Comprehensive Survey on Heart Disease Forecast using Machine Learning Algorithms
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As per the latest report published by WHO, heart disease is increasing exponentially around the world in modern life style due to numerous reasons. The fatality rate due to cardiac arrest is more than 18 million per year in the globe. Due to the enormous population and insufficient infrastructure in healthcare it is not possible to find out heart disease in the initial stage and treatment initialization. But in recent times due to emerging fields like AI, DL, Soft Computing are competent enough to investigate these types of health issues in the initial stage. Therefore, the main motive of this research is to find out the solution to predict the heart disease well in advance with higher accuracy. In recent times machine learning is playing a vital role in healthcare, therefore numerous research papers have been published by researchers to investigate the appropriate algorithms to predict heart disease. After going through various research papers, it was found that different algorithms predict different accuracy on the same or different dataset. In our research work various machine learning approaches will be applied and analysed for better accuracy on validated dataset.