Effectiveness of Gamified Work Place on Job Satisfaction Among IT Employees in Chennai
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In today's cosmopolitan IT industry, IT plays a vital role in generating millions of dollars in revenue each year. India is currently emerging as an overall powerhouse for computer software development. Based on this expectation, organizations set different kinds of agendas to gain competitive advantage in vicious market competition. Organizations must establish good governance to achieve their financial and non-financial goals. Jobs in the IT sector in India look promising and promising in the future both in the short and long term. Employees are expected to be more than just perseverance and safety, but respect, recognition, performance and reward. These are things that give motivation and satisfaction to employees in the workplace. And this can be achieved by creating a kind of pleasant workplace. Due to the shortage of skills and talents, companies have started adopting this new concept of employee motivation. Employers must therefore complement, collaborate and develop their employees. This study focuses on the impact of enjoying work in India's IT sector. The area chosen for the study is the city of Chennai, which is convenient for researchers to collect data. The study uses statistical tools such as correlation analysis and regression analysis to highlight the impact of gamified workplaces on the satisfaction of his IT employees in Chennai city. Factor analysis was also used to analyze factors related to gamified workplace factors that influence employee job satisfaction.