Challenges & Possibilities of Using a Language Laboratory for Teaching in Writing Skills

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M. Rahamath, Dr. Shanthi


The biggest limitation of any human kind is time constraint.  A teacher can’t teach for many hours but a computer can do the job tirelessly. Teaching writing skills mostlyinvolvedevelopingthelinguisticcompetenceofthestudentswhichmanyEnglishSecond Language teachers may perceive as a challenging task. The main aim of this study is to look into various challenges encountered by English Second Language teachers in teaching writing skills to students in ordinary classrooms.The teachers should choose instructional materials, textbooks, and technologies that promote the integration of writing as well as associated skills of syntax, vocabulary, and so on. A learning atmosphere is to be created. Languagelabprovides a platform whereteacherscan tryexperiments on themselves and thelearners as well. This study aims to unfold the possibilities and challenges of running the language lab at several secondary schools level based on the teacher's perspective. First, on how the English language teachers perceive the importance of language lab in process of teaching and learning writing skills. Secondly, to what extent the teachers' have been utilizing the language lab in their teaching, and lastly, what are the teacher's views on improving the roles of English language laboratories to assist them. The findings confirm that teachers highly considered thewriting skills to be more effectively taught in language laboratories, however, several obstacles occur, for instance, the outdated equipment, unskilful teachers to operate the devices, fewer teaching resources, and time allotment, and tight schedules among others.

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