Epidemiological and Pathological Study of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Hilla and Diwanya / Iraq

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Prof. Dr. Khairy Abdullah Dawood, MD, FICMS. Samera M. Alokaili, MSC. Ali Jawad Kadhim


Cutaneous Leishmaniasis is an endemic disease in the middle and south of Iraq. Distribution of infection was studied in two governorates (Diwanya and Hilla), Total number of patients attended to the dermatology center in three months ( December 2016 , January, February 2017) in Diwanyia was 1940 , 132 were cutaneous leihmaniasis ( 10.7% ) while in Hilla 1757 patients were attended to the dermatology center at the same months, cutaneous leihmaniasis cases were 42 (2.4%). Total number of cutaneous leishmaniasis was 208, 132 for Diwanya 76% while for Hilla was 42, 24%. Infected males were higher than females in both cities 74.3% , 25.7 % respectively. Age variations reveal all infected cases were in all ages but high percent were in age of ten years old and below 35.6 %. No cases were recorded during summer months and the peak of this disease was in January 28.5% , February 30.9%. 


Pathological lesions were classified grossly as follows, Papule (redness and swelling). Pustule (redness with crusts sometimes with pus), Ulcer (It was no crusts with shallow ulceration, Irregular margin), Scar formation. 

Hematological study revealed increase in number of erythrocytes and variation in size ( Poikilocytosis ). 

Treatment were mostly, Systemic Injection with topical treatment, several types of ointment. 

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