Title: Elvira Dones Novels. The Language of the Literature, The New Literary Phenomenon
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The literature as a living organism, did not has a linear development. It has always been connected to social and political conditions with which it is faced. In the Albanian literature after ’90-s is appeared a new phenomenon, more controversial, which is related to the language of literature. Albanian writer migrated to west, choose to write in the language of the country where they live. In their works, are embodied two mentalities, two cultures, and most importantly, two different ways of doing literature, rules of different expression skills. One of them is Elvira Dones that with her particular style bring to the reader hands, special stories of different characters and themes, from Klea, an autobiographical narrative, to Andrea with the theme of neuroses; from Hana, from north of Albania to the story of three women besieged in their house in Prishtina. The author write directly in Italian language perhaps in it she found all the expressiveness required that can worthily accompany her stories, in which she express herself no longer influences the profile of the characters. She writes a literature very close to critical realism. This tendency is also present in more amazing psychological and touching descriptions of her narrative.