Sustainable Development of Libraries: Some Possibilities

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Athulya S., Dr. S. Thanuskodi


            This paper aims to point out some possibilities for sustainable development in libraries. Now libraries are having tremendous possibilities to collaborate with organisations such as IFLA, INELI, Bill & Mellinda Gates Foundation. But still, the fundraising methods in libraries are still in its nascent stage in India. This paper also highlights the importance of building sustainable libraries in the pursuit of attaining Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. Literature survey carried out on the significance of sustainability, crowdfunding and contributions of various organisations and institutions in collaboration with libraries. This inquiry is useful to give an insight about the not so familiar thoughts on sustainability such as crowdfunding, pro-active organisations like INELI, Read India and underrated works of stand-alone librarians. Additionally, it suggests library professionals to educate and understand themselves on sustainability and extend their activities to the community.

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