A Perceptual Study on the Impact of Infused Green Practices carried in Three to Five Star Category Hotels in Jaipur: With Special Reference to Employees of Hotel Industry

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Shweta Agarwal, Dr. Jyoti Jain


In India and as well as abroad, tourism is considered as one of the fastest growing industry and is considered as a major contributor to the GDP of respective country. Then on the other hand global tourist destinations started to receive tourists after the pandemic period, with this growth the tourism sector is also known for providing jobs at all levels i.e. managerial, operational and even execution. But still the industry is collectively harming the environment and emitting Greenhouse gases that are harmful for the ozone layer of the planet. This present study will evaluate the role of hotel staff in promoting Green practices of the selected hotels. This study is based on primary data and sample of the study is 200 staff members of selected three- and five-star hotels.  

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