Thermal Power Generating Plants – A Review on outsourcing and key drivers for efficiency and effectiveness

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Aseem kumar Joshi, Dr. D.M. Parikh, Dr. Abhishek Kumar


Power is a basic need for growth and progress as well as quality of life in any country. Power consumption per capita in India is low with a substantial shift in mode of power generation. Not only in India but at a global level also power generation focus is on renewable energy sources. In thermal power generation, award and execution of O&M service contracts play a crucial role with higher cost contribution which directly affects power generation. Systematic analysis and thorough understanding of difficulties faced at every stage would bring thought to develop solutions and better practices and hence would increase productivity in performance and cost optimization.  This paper deals with carrying out research which is aimed to address various difficulties faced in outsourcing of services in Thermal Power Plant. In depth review of this aspect can facilitate and can refine and relook the process of outsourcing of thermal plants.

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