Factors influencing the selection of a higher education institutions by students of undergraduate colleges in Mumbai and Navi Mumbai

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Mrs. Taruna Maheshwari, Dr Vani Kamath, Dr R Gopal


As per the All India Survey on Higher Education 2019-20 there are 1043 universities 42342 colleges and 11779 standalone institutes in India. In spite of having quite a huge number of higher education institutes in India many of the educational institutes are finding it difficult to fill in their intake capacity. Hence it becomes very essential for the higher education institutes to identify the factors that influences the decision of the students in selection of higher education institutes. If the factors are identified and corrective steps are taken by the higher education institutes the gross enrolment ratio of each institute can be enhanced.This research paper makes an attempt to bridge the gap between the higher educational institutes and the expectations of the students. The study considered the opinions of 25 students studying in the Mumbai and Navi Mumbai region. The study concluded that the most important factors considered by the students while selecting a Higher Education Institution are curriculum, specialisation offered by the institute, and return on investment. Hence it becomes imperative for the educational institutes to concentrate on these factors to enhance their enrolment ratio.

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