The Interface between Plant Variety Protection and Food Security: An Indian Experience
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Goal 2 of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aims to achieve doubled agricultural productivity and increased income for small-scale food producers while ensuring sustainable food production systems by 2030. It also aspires to maintain the genetic diversity of seeds, promoting access to fair and equitable sharing of benefits. Various international conventions are already in force which directly or indirectly contribute to the realisation of this goal, UPOV, CBD, TRIPS, and ITPGFRA being the flagship ones. The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer's Rights Act in India is objectified towards recognising and protecting farmers’ rights honouring their contribution to conserving, improving, and making available plant genetic resources for the new variety development. Drawing on the available literature, this article investigates the role that Plant Variety Protection & Farmers Right Act can play in realising this goal. The paper firstly sets the context and examines the relation between IPR, Food Security, and Globalisation.The article further explores the reasons for the recognition of Intellectual property to plant-related inventions and outlines the current levels of international and national protection. The researcher further undertakes to examine the interface between food security and the plant variety protection Act.At last, the paper sets out the conclusion and recommendations.