Educational Development in PARS Education Circulation System Unit

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Kim Yuenyong


The purpose of this research aims to enhance grade 10 students’ competency on design thinking through STEM education circulation system unit. Qualitative research design, interpretative paradigm, was considered as methodology to analyst and interpret students’ performances in representing competency regarding design thinking frame. Participants in this study consisted of 15 Grade 10 students from school in Khon Kaen province. Three weeks lesson plan of STEM circulation system unit activities was employed as an intervention to enhance student’s design thinking competency. Research materials for document extraction included students’ worksheets, unstructured interview records and classroom observation. Data analysis was conducted through scoring rubrics frame of design thinking competency. Students’ behaviors and performances, then, were categorized and developed into pattern with intention to explain the enhancement of students’ competency on design thinking. The findings revealed that student’ performances on providing clip production about how everyday life activities effect to circulation system represented students’ competency on design thinking in excellent level.

Keywords: STEM education, Student’s competency, Design thinking, Circulation System

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