Improving survivability of probiotics (L. acidophilus) in Manjari Medika Grape juice
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In the earlier phase of first decade of 20th century, the children suffering from diarrhoea exhibited low count of stool bacteriacharacterized by a peculiar Y shaped (bifid) morphology that existed abundantly in healthy children and found suitable to restore healthy gut flora (Tissier,1906).The health beneficiary potential of fermented milk products promulgated by Metchnikoff (1907) established the fact that regular consumption of live beneficial bacteria (LAB) in the form of fermented dairy products harmonize superimposing equilibrium of intestinal microflora thereby protecting from orderlyputrefaction.The Greek word probiotic meaning ‘for life’ first coined in the context of speciality substances as an in-vivo metabolites of organism that stimulate the growth of others (Lilly and Stillwell,1965). FAO/WHO (2001) given the definition of probiotics was emerged out as an institutional confirmation under the flagship notation as‘Livemicroorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on thehost’.Hypothetical survey of probiotic bacteria critically evaluated for human health benefit by group of scientists, was easily generalized on the basis of commonly used probiotic bacterial (Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium) and yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. boulardii) genera (Ranadheeraet al., 2017).