Ecological-Faunist Analysis of Entomophages of Eastern Fergana Dendrophil Coxides

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Kapizova Dilafruz Rakhmonjonovna, Zokirov Islamjon Ilkhomovich, Muminova Kimsan Tukhtasinovna, Zulfizar Umarova Muhammadzokirovna, Kurbanova Nilufar Kubijonovna, Kamoldinova Rokhatoy Abdullaevna


In the Fergana Valley, 18 species of coccidia are found in orchards, infecting fruit trees. Studies have shown that 3 species of entomophagous biological relatives of cocci are predators, 9 species are parasites and 2 species are super-parasites. Wild-type species of entomophagous females feed on coccidial bodies, larvae, ovaries, or egg sacs. Five species of parasitic entomophagous species are found in the coccidial body of females, 6 species in the body of larvae, 1 species in the egg sac, and 2 species in primary terns.

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