Ubiquitous Learning in Occupational Health and Safety Learning Media Based on Android with Augmented Reality Technology for Vocational Education

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Ketut Ima Ismara, Yuli Anty Rizki Saputri


The development of progressively cutting edge innovation cannot stay away from the effect on education. This research means fostering a product and test the practicality of the product. This research uses the ADDIE development model by Dick and Carey; there are five phases: analyze, design, develop, implement, and evaluate. The method of data collection in this research uses research instruments. The instrument is validated by expert judgment to obtain it as a valid instrument and can be used as a measuring tool in research. The instrument uses a questionnaire with four answer options. This research uses the descriptive analysis technique to know the feasibility level of learning media. Data analysis techniques are performed after obtaining data from students, media and material expert. Design and development were carried out on applications called "K3-AR" on android smartphones with augmented reality technology that comes with an operating guidebook. The development of learning media has been successfully developed to have evaluated with "Very Worthy" category results based on feasibility assessments by material experts and media experts. Responses by students also showed "Excellent" results based on aspects of the display, presentation of materials, language, benefits, and aspects of graphics as a technology-based learning medium.

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