Effects of Cement Replaced With Bagasse Ash and Bagasse Fiberin Concrete

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Pandian V, Ramasamy V


Concrete is that the most generally used construction material. One of the essential ingredients of concrete is cement. During the manufacture of cement, an outsized amount of CO2 is emitted, which affects the worldwide environment. With the increasing demand and consumption of cement, Scientists and researchers are in search of developing alternate binders that are eco-friendly. This paper presents the results of bagasse ash and bagasse fibre concrete. Cement is replaced with bagasse ash to reduce the concrete cost, and also it causes the concrete property to improve, and environmental pollution will be reduced. In addition to the bagasse ash, bagasse fibre is also added to strengthen the concrete property. Cement replaced with bagasse ash percentage of 5%, 10%, 15%& 20% with the addition of bagasse fibre percentage of 0.5%, 1%, and 1.5% & 2%, the workability is optimized and the compressive strength at 28 days is increased by 24.63% compared with the control specimens. Using bagasse ash and bagasse fibre does not affect the workability and it improves the concrete strength with the help of reducing the environmental pollution.

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