Perception of Faculty Members Towards Online Teaching & Learning Process (Tlp) Post-Pandemic
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Background: Online learning has now become part of the curriculum in many institutes and universities. It is one of the modern changes that every academician has to look at.
Objectives: In this empirical study, the objective of the researcher is to find out the perception of faculty members toward online learning post-Pandemic. The researcher has identified Self-efficacy (SE), Ease of Knowledge sharing (EKS), and Efficiency & effectiveness (EE) as Independent variables (IV) and kept aside Perception(P) as a Dependent variable (DV).
Methods: The researcher has adopted the survey method with the help of a questionnaire adopted from the various review of the literature. A total of 187 samples were collected utilizing convenience sampling and the same were analyzed with the help of SPSS. The researcher has done reliability analysis, chi-square, and correlation test using SPSS and interpreted the outcomes which exhibit a positive approach toward the perception of faculty members
Results: The results of the analysis help the research to justify that there is a positive approach to the perception of Faculty members towards Teaching and learning practices (TLP).
Conclusions: Faculty members have a perception that online learning helps them to ease their sharing of knowledge. Most of the faculty members feel that they are much satisfied with handling classes in online mode. They do feel that online learning helps in bringing out the effectiveness and efficiency of an individual learner. Faculty members have a mindset that online learning helps them to stay updated in their field and provides them to attain self-efficacy.