The Effect of Price and Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction (Case Study on Customers of PT Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir Pematangsiantar Branch)

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Satrina Yuliarta Simanjuntak, Mahir Pradana


This research was conducted to determine the Effect of Price and Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction d on customers of PT Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir Pematangsiantar Branch. The data collected in this study were collected by distributing an online questionnaire. This questionnaire is aimed at people who have used the services of JNE. The method used in this study is a multiple linear regression analysis method with the variables used price (X1), quality of service (X2), and consumer satisfaction (Y). This type of research is quantitative and uses a sample of 100 respondents. The results of the study were partially known that the price had a positive and significant effect on consumer satisfaction obtained by counting (3.423) > ttabel (1.984) and a significant level of 0.001 < 0.05. It is partially known that the quality of service has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction obtained by counting (10.192) > ttabel (1.984) and a significant level of 0.000 < 0.05.

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