Schools of the future: Clues to understanding them in the light of alternative education in Chile.

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Ignacio Reyes Cayul


The following article presents a reflection on the education of the future, based on the experience of alternative schools in Chile. Through semi-structured interviews with founders of eight alternative schools in northern, central and southern Chile. After having codified and established major categories, we will present three selected categories that are relevant to the education of the future. The results show us a dialogue between many postulates on the education of the future and the projects of the schools; the place of children's emotions in the daily life of the schools; and the relationship with nature, which is expressed in terms of their projects, in the location of the schools in the middle of forests, coastal and rural areas, as well as in the investigative outings in the open air, as in the case of the schools located in urban areas. Finally, we will look at the role of dialogue within the schools as a method applicable to the different activities, as well as in their organization, finding similarities with the ethics of the human.

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