A study on effective corporate governance in India: Its implication and performance

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Dr. Abhimanyu Upadhyay, Mr. Harsh Panwar


The purpose of this study is to find out the effect of implication of effective corporate governance on the firm’s performance in India. The study tries on framing out the best possible corporate governance strategy, which can be effectively implemented. It has used the framework of corporate governance strategies (both internal and external) implemented and directed as per the competent authorities of an organization. Corporate Governance as a tool adapted by different organizations as to bring transparency and uplifting the image of an organization in front of the public and government. This study focuses on revealing the importance of managerial role in not only development but also in implementing the corporate governance strategy efficaciously. Hence, the outcome of our study will set up the relationship between the effective implication of corporate governance policies by managers and its impact on firm’s performance in the economy. Therefore, the result of this study is believed to be beneficial for the corporate sector in policymaking.

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