Fundamentals of CSR, Role of Universities, Global trends and CASE Insights on CSR practices in India

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Premkumar Balaraman, Suresh Venkatasalem, Priya K


AIM: The research paper is exploratory in nature in revisiting the fundamentals of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) from literature reviews, definitions and models on CSR. Also the study attempts to assess the role of universities, global trends and success factors of CSR, and specifically gain insights from the Case study on CSR perspectives in India.

METHODOLOGY:The study is descriptive and qualitative in nature in clarifying the definitions and conceptual foundations of CSR. Secondary data on CSR success factors and trends are gathered, analysed and summarized to identify the thematic areas of CSR in current day context. To assess the CSR perspectives in India, the study reviews the various empirical studies pertaining to India, drills down the data on Indian CSR spending and activity from Government reports, Bulletins, Official websites and related journals.

OUTCOME:The Research study is highly innovative and first of its kind as it attempts to identify the status quo of CSR understanding and conceptual frameworks in practice. The research expectation and output are inidentifying the role of universities, global trends and success factors of CSR, and the study is inclined towards a clarified understanding of CSR in practice. The domain of CSR is still in its nascent stage in developing countries like India and the current study paves way as an eye opener in identifying the major government policies and legislations pertaining to CSR in India, major areas of CSR focused in India and other challenges and lacunae in implementing CSR activities.


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