Meta-Fiction and The Status of Language in Salman Rushdie’s Haroun and The Sea of Stories

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Rimzim Saikia


Salman Rushdie’s  Haroun and the Sea of Stories may be analyzed in relation to the concept of meta-fiction. Meta-fiction emerges in the form of the language which highlights the deeper personal and political undertones of the text. With the help of fairy tale tropes and imaginary places, the novel addresses the idea of freedom of expression of an artist and also of human beings. The novel through stories emphasizes on the importance of language. The power language holds both as mediums of communication and control is also touched upon.  The novel helps to realize that the easiest way of control is the controlling of the flow of communication in the society. The language of Haroun and the Sea of Stories also help to identify the novel as an allegory. Through fiction, the novel also addresses the role of language in society.

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