Higher Education Financing in India: Problems and Corrective Action

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Ms. Taruna Maheshwari, Dr. Gagandeep Kaur Nagra, Dr. R Gopal


One of the industries in India that is expanding the fastest and that attracts many students from around the world is higher education. Higher education equips students with the skills they need to succeed in the workplace. Therefore, the development of a country is directly impacted by the quality of higher education. The supply of enough funding for the general development of academic institutions is a very important duty to improve the quality of education. The goal of the current study is to examine the financing of higher education in India, as well as many related problems and potential solutions.The study is primarily based on secondary sources, meaning that the researcher used books, research articles, periodicals, and other secondary sources of information to gather data. An outline of higher education financing in India is provided through the study.

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