To study and analyze the reasons choice shift of photographer’s from DSLR to Mirrorless Cameras, with special reference to photographer’s located in Navi Mumbai.

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Dr. Adveta S Gharat,


A digital image capturing device is the combination of the various components and the procedures of lenses with the modernized image capturing sensor. A mirrorless camera is a camera which allows different types of lenses and don’t use a mirror sensor to show image on view finder. These cameras are made with an in build software which analyze the data and present in it in form of image. In this research the focus is on finding the choice and suggestions the beginner photographers get while purchasing a DSLR camera or Mirrorless camera from established photographers. The research also emphasizes the issues associated with usage of DSLR camera and Mirror less camera. The study also works in track with ascertaining the preeminent features of mirrorless camera and a DSLR camera. The study uses primary as well as secondary data. The scope of research cover the problems relating to-choice between mirrorless camera and DSLR camera, best camera for beginner photographer, most suitable, handy and budget friendly camera, getting the right photography gadgets, pros and cons of using DSLR cameras, pros and cons of using Mirrorless cameras. The research is narrowed to the professional photographers and the beginner photographers located in area of Navi Mumbai who use DSLR or Mirrorless cameras.

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