The Effectiveness of Bullying Behavior at Senior High School (SMA-N) Kerinci Regency Judging from Three Aspects: Physical Bullying, Verbal Bullying, and Psychological Bullying

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Tri Nurza Rahmawati, Firman, Erianjoni


Purpose: Research has been carried out to see the effectiveness of bullying behavior, especially in Senior High School (SMA-N) in Kerinci Regency. This research was conducted at two SMA-N, namely: SMA-N 13 and SMA-N 4, Kerinci Regency.

Methods: This research uses descriptive quantitative methods, using quantitative statistics. The research sample was all students in SMA-N 13 and SMA-N 4 using random sampling of as many as 100 respondents. Quantitative research data on the effectiveness of bullying behavior is reviewed from 3 aspects, namely aspects of physical bullying, verbal bullying, and psychological bullying that is carried out in schools.

Results: The results showed that 1) physical bullying behavior, namely: hitting, kicking, punching, and blocking in general 45 respondents answered that they always did physical bullying; 2) verbal bullying behavior, namely: insulting, cursing, controlling, laughing and nicknames in general 75 respondents answered that they always did this behavior; dan 3) Psychological bullying behavior, namely: glaring, sneering at threatening gestures, looking cynically and looking at threats in general, from 100 respondents it was found that 69 respondents gave answers that they always did psychological bullying behavior.

Conclusion: The data of this research can be used by stakeholders to make policies to be able to carry out the process of reducing bullying at the SMA-N in Kerinci.

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