Defense Industry International Cooperation Between Pt Dirgantara Indonesia and Air Defense and Space In Improving Indonesian Air Power
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Since 2000, PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) carried out two cooperation units, namely rotary-wing and fixed-wing, as part of ADS. Fixed-wing unit PTDI cooperates with Airbus Military, while the rotary-wing unit cooperates with Airbus Helicopter. In international cooperation, PTDI aims to increase capability and capacity through the Transfer of Technology (ToT) and assets. However, the cooperation of the PTDI urotaryotar- wing is not as significant as the fixed-wing in achieving the goal of working with ADS. The value of the resulting benefits is also different in increasing air defense power. This raises the question, how does PTDI carry out international cooperation in the defense industry between PTDI and ADS was capable of increasing air defense power? The interlocking dynamics in a series of international cooperation processes are analyzed through a systems approach within the realism theoretical framework. This study indicates that the development of air defense forces does not accompany cooperation in increasing capabilities and capacities following cooperation objectives. Cooperation in the development of air defense forces is also insignificant, with differences in benefits, implications, and constraints. The achievement of the objectives is greatly influenced by the study and detail of the pre-negotiation carried out because of the constraints, pre-negotiation, negotiation, and implementation that are interconnected in the form of a domino effect.