Trends in Closing the Gender Gap: The Case of the Czech Republic and Germany

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Ing. Lucie Rotenbornová, doc. PaedDr. Dana Egerová


The purpose of this paper is to provide overview of the development of gender-based disparities over the period 2006-2021. Specifically, the aim is to investigate whether differences exist between the Czech Republic and Germany. The emphasis is on Economic Participation and Opportunity subindex of the Gender Gap Index and its indicators Labour Force Participation, Wage Equality for similar Work, Estimated Earned Income and Ability of Women to Rise to Position of Leadership. The findings indicate that gap between women and men is continually smaller in the both observed countries. Average progress of reaching parity is almost identical in case of index Economic Participation and Opportunity. Nevertheless, differences have been identified, especially in the areas of Wage Equality for Similar Work, Estimated Earned Income and Ability of Women to Rise to Position of Leadership. Germany achieves far better results in terms of Labour Force Participation and Estimated Earned Income. Conversely, the Czech Republic shows better results in cases of indicators Wage Equality for Similar Work and Ability of Women to Rise to Position of Leadership.

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