Implementation of Digital Literacy in Learning in Elementary Schools

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Nuryati, Djalal Fuadi, Ahmad Muhibbin, Laili Etika Rahmawati, Endang Fauziati


This research is to examine the obstacles experienced by teachers and students in the application of digital literacy in learning Mathematics in Elementary Schools. The method used in this research is qualitative. This research was conducted on teachers, and students. Data collection techniques used are (1) observation, interviews and documentation. Instruments of data analysis were carried out by (1) collecting data; (2) data reduction; Researchers carry out the process of selecting or selecting, focusing or focusing, simplifying, and abstracting all types of information that support research data. (3) Presentation of data; a collection of information that gives the researcher the possibility to draw conclusions and take action. (4) Withdrawal of Conclusions/Verification; Researchers must try to find meaning based on data that has been dug carefully, completely, and deeply. The assessment technique to check the validity of the data is using triangulation. The triangulation used is source triangulation and method triangulation. Results: The results of this study indicate that the digital media infrastructure in schools is an obstacle in the application of digital literacy in learning Mathematics in Elementary Schools.

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