The Reasons for The Qur’anic Expression in Names in Al-Shihab's Footnote on The Interpretation of Al-Badawi.
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The current study revolves around the reasons for the Qur’anic expression presented in Al-shihab's footnote on the interpretation of al-Badawi. The researcher provides a collection of Al-shihab’s reasons for his preference of some words over others from the Holly Qura’an to manifest the wisdom of such usage. The current study contrasted Al-shihab’s remarks with other commentators in the field. However, what distinguished Al-shihab’s comments in this footnote was that it was not only an explanation of Al-Badawi text, but he collected views of his counterparts’ from the commentators. Al-shihab’s also corrected whomever he deems most likely in his opinion, with his interest in lexical differences, grammatical opinions, and the reasons for descent.