Adapting of Virtual Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic: Development of E-Modules based STEM-EDP on Dynamic Fluids Teaching to Improve Student Creative Thinking Skills

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Frendi Ihwan Syamsudin, Sukarmin, Sarwanto


Physics learning during Covid-19 Pandemic was carried out online. So it’s necessary to develop an electronic module are displayed in Google Sites based Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) with integrated Engineering Design Process (EDP) and virtual experiment methods supported by Phet Colorado. The aim of developed module improving students creative thinking skills on Dynamic Fluids. The development model is 4-D from Thiagarajan & Semmel (1974) which includes Define, Design, Development, and Dissemination. STEM-based learning must contain at least one of STEM components in its stages, so an integrated pattern is needed to create a concept design. The model used is Engineering Design Process (EDP). The pattern of linkage between STEM and EDP is identification of phenomena requiring interpretation of meaning (Science). Solution plan considers thorough discussed to generate new ideas in problem solving (Science). Idea was created to determine procedure (Engineering). The procedure is carried out to obtain data (Science). Then data presentation, analysis, and evaluation (Mathematics and Technology). The module is feasible to use for Dynamic Fluids learning from material, media, and language aspects. The module has been effective in improving students' creative thinking skills in Dynamic Fluids learning.

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