Storytelling through Media and New Normal Activities for Gen Z to Know about Organization Missions: A Case Study of a Technology University in Thailand
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This research was aimed to design new media and new normal activities for communication with 3-step storytelling for Gen Z to know about organization missions (a case study of a technology university in Thailand), to evaluate the perception of the sampling group regarding the developed media and activities which were done in accordance with the ADDIE Model which involves 5 following steps: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. The research tools consisted of 1) new media and new normal activities for communication with 3-step storytelling for Gen Z to know about organization missions, 2) evaluation form for content quality, 3) evaluation form for media presentation quality, and 4) evaluation form for perception. The sampling group of Gen Z consisted of third-year undergraduate students from the Department of Educational Communications and Technology, Faculty of Industrial Education and Technology, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi. The data were collected in December 2021 from 30 students who were chosen using purposive sampling method from those who enrolled in the ETM314 course. The results were as follows: 2 new media were developed with storytelling in 3 following steps: features, advantages and benefits. There were 3 infographic pieces and 1 infographic motion media which lasted 2.31 minutes which were uploaded to the Organization’s facebook page. The activities for communication contained 3 steps and they were broadcast through Zoom Meeting application. The evaluation results were as follows: The quality of the contents was evaluated by the expert panel to be at a very good level ( = 4.81, S.D. = 0.24). The quality of the media presentation was at a very good level ( = 4.56, S.D. = 0.43). The perception of the sampling group was at the highest level ( = 4.68, S.D. = 0.48). Therefore, the new media and new normal activities for communication with 3-step storytelling for Gen Z to know about organization missions could be used efficiently.