A Study on Academic Achievement in Relation to Gender of Secondary Level Students in Lakhimpur District, Assam
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Education is a more comprehensive term that implies acquisitions of a man’s experience of life. Education cannot be acquired without formal learning. Academic achievement is the outcome of education-the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has achieved their educational goals. It can be defined as excellence in all academic disciplines, in class as well as extracurricular activities. It includes excellence in sporting, behavior, confidence, communication skills, punctuality, assertiveness, Arts, Culture, etc Secondary level of education is the most important stage of education because the link between the primary education on the one hand and the higher education on the other. A child can develop his or her innate talent at this stage. Secondary stage helps an individual to get knowledge from different aspect and helps to create a sociable individual. A child can prepare himself for the future living from this stage of education. . Gender equality refers to the view that men and women should receive equal treatment and should not be discriminated against based on gender, unless there is a sound biological reason for different treatment. Therefore, the study will try to investigate about the relationship between gender and academic achievement of secondary level students.