Comparing Leadership Models at Al-Quds University According to Gender in Light of Leadership Theory with Love

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Bushra Izzat Albadawi, Mohammad Omran Salha


The aim of this research is to reveal the behavior patterns of leaders at Al-Quds University and their relationship to gender in light of the theory leadership of love. To achieve this goal, the Fiedler scale was used to determine the extent to which the two genders practice the bureaucratic and democratic leadership styles, and an interview consisting of questions to judge the leader’s love for his institution and its employees. The research was applied to a sample of college deans and heads of academic departments at Al-Quds University. In view of the females to whom the Fiedler tool was applied, they got a score of less than 58, which means, according to Fiedler’s analysis, that they are motivated by tasks and they focus on accomplishing work and controlling subordinates more than human relations with others, and they use their power to maintain their personal interests. They Stand against all that threatens their desires, control the desires of subordinates and directing them according to their whims. If these people use democracy, it will be as a means to achieve what should be achieved in their view. It turns out that these females themselves do not pay attention to working conditions, do not accept criticism, and do not hear except what they like to hear. They do not give up their opinions, even if they are proven wrong, they exaggerate the use of their powers at work, and tighten their grip on workers. This contradicts the theory of leading with love. Under its principles, the leader does not control his followers, and does not make them feel inferior or short-lived. Because the essence of the message of leadership with love is giving that elevates others, raises their performance, refines their behavior and increases their interaction.

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