Impact of Demographic Variables and effectiveness of Rewards and recognition on Employee Engagement of Select Private Sector Banks in Telangana during pandemic

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Jyothi Dwivedi, Dr. R Rajendran


This covid-19 pandemic has made the mankind to think & rethink due to a lot of adversities, insecurities, etc & this pandemic has affected all businesses across the world, a quite similar to the one like the recession hit in 2008 and led to helplessness among people. Most of the businesses across have suffered due to this pandemic situation, especially service sector. Partial solution to this critical challenge is to have engaged employees who are the strong pillars because the entire working of the organisation depends on them. Employee engagement is the extent to which employees put their discretionary efforts into their work, mental ability, passion and energy. Engaged employee is always self-motivated and full of enthusiasm. Fully engaged employees can provide higher productivity, greater deliverables, higher self-motivation, reliability, loyalty towards organization, reduced employee turnover and lower absenteeism (Baumruk et al, 2004). The present study focuses on how the demographics variables(age, gender, work experience) and rewards and recognition has an effect on the employee engagement levels of select private sector banks in Telangana state during this pandemic period. Employee engagement helps to build good relationship with the customers. Primary data was collected using structured questionnaire. Selection of samples was done by using random sampling technique and the data was analyzed using appropriate statistical tools. It was observed that Age, work experience, rewards and recognition had influence on employee engagement. While gender had no influence on employee engagement in the select private sector banks for the study.

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