A study to Assess the Knowledge and Practice about Selfcare Among Antenatal Mothers in Selected Hospitals of Pune City.

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Dr. Mrs. Bhagyashree jogdeo, Sandesh pathare, Ms. Shrutika halunde, Gayatri jadhav, Mahesh korade


Antenatal self practice is indispensable in areas where there is limited access to maternal health care services. It is important for mothers to practice antenatal care along with having proper knowledge. Owing to the pandemic situation, there is need to assess and implement ANC practies to prevent minor discomforts/ problems at early stages. This will avoid frequent visits to doctors and eliminate the risk of getting frequent infections. Also There is need to create baseline data from various sections of society regarding health during pregnancy. Material and method: The was initiated after receiving approval from institutional Ethics Committee. Two hundred pregnant women were enrolled in the study to assess their knowldege and practice on ANC self care. The study was descriptive in design and purposive sampling methods were used for to recruit study uparticipants. Demographic and knowledge tool were used to collect data and record study variables. The data was recorded in an pre-designed excel sheets ans proper statistical measures were used to analyse data. The association of the demographic variables with the knowledge score was considered significant at 0.05 level and below.Results: The demographic variables revealed that the majority of the participants though poorly educated or underqualified had good and average knowledge score of ANC self care. There was no association with any of the demographic variables.  Conclusion: Educational status did not affect the knowledge score of the ANC self care. However attitude and practices of ANC services needs to be monitored in this population setting.

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