Pilot Study on the Impact of Demographic Variables on Emotional Intelligence Among Private School Teachers in Tambaram

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Background: Managing emotions at workplace is a very important to ensure success that too in a challenging field like education. Educational institutions are not only providing primary learning but it also teaches moral ethics and help to build interest and motivate students towards career enrichment. Teacher assists to provide children with opportunity to gain and expand their knowledge in every possible field of learning. To attain this each and every teacher need to update, adapt, and understand the various factors that influence emotional intelligence. It consists of most important skills that is identifying, applying, solving and managing and regulating.

Objective: The study focused on the demographic variables and also its impact on emotional intelligence factors among Private school teacher in Tambaram. The main objective of the research work is to identify the factors influencing emotional intelligence and to analyze the relationship between the demographic variable and the Emotional Intelligence of teachers in Tambaram area.

Methods: The primary source of data collection has been used with structured questionnaire and the convenient sampling method was used to collect necessary information from the respondents. The teachers working with private schools in and around Tambaram were identified and included for the study. The questionnaire consists of two parts, one is to know about the demographic profile of the respondents and the other is to find the significant relationship between emotional intelligent and demographic variables. The total sample collected for purpose of the investigation was 80 and percentage analysis and ANOVA are the statistical tools used for the analysis and interpretation.

Results: Based on the study, it was found that the management of emotional intelligence benefits the work environment of teachers in many ways. The demographic variables like age, educational qualification and the income level of the respondents are statistically significant with the emotional intelligence study variables except few relationships like age with self-regulation, educational qualification with self-awareness and income level with self-regulation.

Conclusions: Private school teachers have diverse personalities with different requirements and desires. It is the ability of each individual to discover, evaluate and manage the emotions of one’s self and of others. It’s all about the capacity to be aware of, control and express one’s emotions and to handle interpersonal relationships sensibly and compassionately.

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