Retrospective Analysis on Number of Patients Requiring Intentional Rct for Prosthodontic Rehabilitation

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Bharathi R, Dr Adimulapu Hima Sandeep


Background: Complete debridement of the root canal system from inflamed or necrotic pulp tissues and micro-organisms is the main objective of conventional root canal treatment. Apart from this universally accepted indication, elective (intentional) RCT of teeth with normal pulp may become necessary.

Aim: To analyse the number of patients requiring intentional RCT for prosthodontic rehabilitation.

Materials and Methods: Data was retrieved from the dental records. Data of patients who had undergone intentional RCT were collected from the patient management records of the department of conservative dentistry and endodontics. Patients in which intentional RCT was performed for prosthodontic rehabilitation were shortlisted. The data was obtained and tabulated in excel, imported to SPSS software by IBM, a statistical software with variables defined. The significance of this study was set at p<0.05, obtained using Chi Square test and the results were interpreted.

Results: Out of 3644 RCTs performed, 455 were intentional RCTs and 3189 were conventional RCTs.  Chi square statistical test was done and the p value was found to be 0.01(Chi square test- p value< 0.05, significant).

Conclusion: Elective RCT is a valid treatment approach and its prevalence is up to 12.49% among conventional RCT performed.

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