Prevalence of Periapical Lesion with Open Apex- A Retrospective Study

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Ramya. G, Dr Adimulapu Hima Sandeep


Background : There is an increased incidence of open apices with associated periapical lesions. It is important to induce root closure with no canal wall thickening or continuous lengthening. Open apices still pose a challenge for immediate resolution.

Aim : To find the prevalence of open apex associated with periapical lesions.

Materials & Methodology  : The study was performed in the out patient department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics. Data required for the study was procured by reviewing patient records & analysed data of patients between June 2019 - February 2021. The data was analysed using IBM SPSS software Chi-square analysis (p<0.05) & the results interpreted in graphs and tabulations.

Results : The prevalence of open apex with periapical lesion was found to be 63%. The study shows a female predilection ( p<0.05 ) with trauma being the most common etiological factor associated with open apex with periapical lesion ( p<0.05 ).

Conclusion : Pulp necrosis mostly due to trauma ( mainly in childhood ) can arrest root development in teeth with incomplete root resulting in open apices. Prolonged periods of such cases being left undiagnosed can lead to increased infection & periapical lesions. It is imperative to diagnose & treat them as early as possible.

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