Assessment of Pufa Index in Diabetes Vs Non Diabetic Patients

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M. Sagana, Dr Adimulapu Hima Sandeep


Introduction: Dental caries have been more prevalent in diabetic patients than non-diabetics. Non-treatment of caries can have severe consequences such as pain, abscess formation, space infection, etc. The present study aims to evaluate the PUFA index in diabetes and non diabetic patients.

Materials and methods: A total of 400 patients in which 200 were diabetic and 200 were non diabetic were included in this study. Data was collected by reviewing patient records from Dental Information Archiving System. All the required data was recorded and analysed statistically by Chi square test. statistical significance was set at p<0.05.

Results: From the analysis, we have found that the overall mean value of PUFA index in non diabetic and diabetic were 2.36±1.12 and 4.73±1.72 respectively.  From the Chi square test, males were significantly having higher PUFA index values than females (p-0.041).

Conclusion: From this study, we can conclude that the patients with diabetes have higher PUFA value than the non diabetic patients. The pufa index can be used as a tool to highlight the adverse consequences to dental professionals and health authorities.

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