The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction on the Effect of Emotional Labor Strategies of Nurses in Public Hospitals in Gaza Strip on Job Burnout

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Ahmed Qeshta, Siti Aida Samikon, Mohd Saleh bin Abbas


Service employees, particularly nurses need to be professional in dealing with clients and maintaining their emotion. Moreover, they should have a sufficient level of knowledge and experience in order to enhance the healthcare service without any damage in their emotion and the level of their job satisfaction. This study aims to examine the impact of emotional labor strategies and emotional intelligence on job burnout mediated by job satisfaction. The research model has five constructs, which are: surface acting strategy, deep Acting Strategy, genuine acting strategy, job satisfaction and job burnout. Respondents in this study will be nurses in public hospitals in Gaza strip. The data will be collected using self-administered questionnaires. The sample size for this study is 450 respondents. The validity and reliability of scales will be examined using Average Variance Extracted (AVE), AVE square root, Fornell and Larcker’s (1981) measure of composite reliability and Cronbach’s alpha. The findings of this study will provide invaluable input to all healthcare providers in understanding the main role and importance of service employee’s emotion status in providing a superior service to patients in the unstable environment such as Gaza strip by managing his/her emotions during the interaction process with patients (emotional labor strategies) to avoid any damage in their emotion status.

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