Accreditation Management in Improving the Performance Quality of Madrasah Aliyah

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Hanafiah, Hadijah Muhsin, Iim Wasliman, Usep Kosasih


This study aims to analyze and obtain an overview of accreditation management in improving the performance quality of islamic senior high school in South Tangerang City which is studied based on planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, controlling, problems faced, and solutions to problems. The theory underlying the research is management theory, quality theory, and performance theory. The research uses a case study method with a qualitative approach, and data collection techniques through observation, interview, documentation study, and triangulation. The results of the study show that: (1) planning by conducting meetings involving educators and education staff refers to 8 educational standards, but has not been supported by documents for education and learning activities. (2) The organization is carried out through the formation of an accreditation team for each field, but it is not yet supported by an understanding of the latest accreditation instruments in 2020. (3) Guidance by reviewing instruments and document evidence, determining the priority scale of work, conducting internal assessments, and simulations, but has not been carried out comprehensively. intensive, and lack of understanding. (4) Coordination is carried out with internal and accreditation teams to equalize perceptions of instruments and documents, alignment of content, and timeliness, but it is not maximized so that there is still a lack of harmony between instruments. (5) Control is carried out by encouraging, assessing, controlling, and monitoring team performance, assessing team performance and setting performance standards according to SOPs, timelines and instruments, but there is still a lack of supporting documents, time for compiling and sending data online. (6) The problems faced are the low quality of graduates, the lack of the learning process, and the weak performance of teachers because education and learning activities are hampered by the pandemic. (7) The solution to fulfill the instrument is using data from the last 3 years, using some online learning documents, including proof of teacher participation documents in teacher competency improvement activities.

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