Adlerain Counseling in Improve Insight self-Meaning Life in Revolusion for Success Akademic
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Self-meaning has become part of students' expectations that aid them to achieve academic success and determine life direction, especially in the industrial revolution era. This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of Adlerian counseling is increasing self-meaning for academic success. Adlerian counseling is carried out to improve understanding of self-meaning using a pre-and post-test control group research design. Data were collected from 7th-grade students of Airmadidi State Junior High School 2, North Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi Province, Indonesia for the 2019/2020 academic year, with a low understanding of self-meaning life. The numerical and verbal data were analyzed using the Two Independent-Sample Test Mann Whitney-U and the counseling conversation analysis method (verbatim). The results showed that the experimental subjects' understanding of self-meaning can significantly increase through Adlerian counseling. This indicates that students' high insight into self-meaninglife is a fundamentally essential attribute that opens self-awareness and triggers a competent, creative lifestyle to live a meaningful and successful life that allows self-actualization in the current industrial revolution era. Therefore, counselorsneed to be skilled in implementing strategies that help students understand self-meaning life in order to have a successful identity. Furthermore, it is imperative to conduct research on counseling training for Counseling Guidance teachers in schools.