The Actualization of Desa Rukun Program To Strengthen Tolerant Character as an Attempt to Prevent Radicalism in Tasikmalaya District

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Rahmat1*, Encep Syarief Nurdin, Prayoga Bestari, Sri Wahyuni Tanshzil, Ray Adhari Jajuri, Dini Agnesti


A peaceful word is every nation’s goal where everyone is hoping for a peaceful life and tolerance. Indonesia is populated by numbers of groups with cultural diversities. From a positive perspective, the diversities can be a unifying tool. Oppositely, they can be a factor that potentially brings up intolerance if they are seen from a negative perspective. A high intolerance rate in Tasikmalaya District among the Muslim majority population and Pesantren rapid growth has been a scourge for Tasikmalaya District Government. Therefore, a program named “Desa Rukun” is built as an attempt to increase and preserve tolerance values. “Desa Rukun” is built in potential conflict areas which later it transforms to be a solution to a conflict. This transformation has drawn researcher’s attention to explore the concept of “Desa Rukun” as an education platform to teach peace as an attempt to prevent a radicalism movement. This study shows that the concept of “Desa Rukun” is the elaboration from a religious concept to unify nation in which the basic “rukun” doctrine starts from the family environment. Inter-religious tolerance can obviously be felt in a village with diversities and make the village looks like a homogeneous village. This concept is consequently implemented by two different religious groups residing in Desa Rukun. Thus, any syndrome that potentially causes conflict and radicalism does not appear. This “Desa Rukun” concept has currently been implemented in two villages; it means further development and support in the implementation are needed. Conceptually, this Desa Rukun model is ideal to be used for current situation and condition.

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