The Policy Analysis of the School Health Business Program (UKS) As an Effort to Prevent Early Non-Communicable Diseases

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Siti Nur Kholifah, Dwi Ananto Wibrata, Moch Bahrudin, Nikmatul Fadilah


Background:Diabetes mellitus and hypertension are becoming more common in Indonesians aged 15 and up. This condition would reduce the health quality of the younger generation. Efforts are being made to improve the health of adolescents, including through the school health business (UKS) program. There are currently eight goals in the UKS program, all focusing on infectious diseases. One more goal was needed for the prevention of non-communicable diseases.

Objectives: The purpose of this study was to describe the results of the UKS program policy analysis as an effort to prevent non-communicable diseases early and to recommend the addition of 1 goal, namely the prevention of non-communicable diseases. 

Methods:The research methods used in the study are qualitative research methods. The research design used descriptive phenomenology. The number of participants was 20, consisting of the UKScoordinator and teacher, the person in charge of the UKSprogram at the education office, the ministry of religion, the people's welfare sector, and the health office. 

Results:Policies to prevent non-communicable diseases, especially hypertension and diabetes mellitus, have been implemented as far as possible. The support for legal aspects, regulations on UKS, guidelines, facilities, cooperation between institutions in implementing the UKSprogram, motivation from schools and policymakers at the institutional level for behavior change and prevention of non-communicable diseases were supporting factors. While the inhibiting factors include operational funds for the detection of hypertension and diabetes mellitus, there was no budget for this non-communicable disease prevention program, especially hypertension and DM, that had not been included in the UKS goals. It was important to add one goal, which was to prevent non-communicable diseases like hypertension and diabetes mellitus.

Conclusions: The policy of the UKS program to keep teenagers from getting non-communicable diseases was very important for improving their health as the country's next generation. 

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