Implementation of Intracurricular Political Education into Sociology Education for Young Voters
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Purpose: This research aims to examine the implementation of political education carried out by high schools through sociology subjects. To answer the above research objectives, the research method used is interpretive qualitative.
Methods: The study was conducted at 4 senior high schools in Padang City with the criteria of superior, medium, and low government schools, and then schools managed by private institutions lasted for six (6) months. The informant retrieval technique that the researcher took was purposive sampling, considering that the informant of this study had substantive subject criteria from four high school educational institutions. Then data collection is used using observation, the study of documents, and interviews with high school students and teachers of sociology subjects. The analysis is carried out by interpreting the findings that have been reduced and presented in this article.
Results: The result of this study's a process of integration of political education (topics, units, and concepts) with a connected model approach to sociology subjects (topics, units, and concepts) so that knowledge and understanding of concepts, skills, and attitudes of students related to political reality are formed through the framework of sociological analysis. Then the researcher concluded the condition that the intracurricular implementation of political education in sociology subjects to connect meaningful learning with the meaningful participation of young voters has not been carried out.