“A Descriptive Study to Assess the Knowledge and Attitude Regarding Eugenics among Eligible Couples in Selected Urban Communities of Pune City”

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Varsha Singh, Manishakarkar


Title: “A Descriptive study to assess the knowledge and attitude regarding eugenics among eligible couples in selected urban communities of Pune city.”

Objectives: 1. To assess the knowledge regarding eugenics among eligible couples. 2. To determine the attitudes of eligible couples about eugenics. 3. To find out the co-relationship between knowledge and attitude regarding eugenics among eligible couples. 4. To find out association between the levels of knowledge regarding eugenics among eligible couples with their selected demographic variables.

Material and Method:A quantitativeresearchdesign usedin this study.A study wasconductedinselectedareasofPunecity,India.Non-probabilitypurposivesamplingtechniquewas used. Total 200 samples of eligible couples were included in this study. Self-structurequestionnaire was prepared to identify the knowledge and attitude. The collecteddata were analyses by using descriptive, frequency and percentage statistics and logisticregressionanalysis.Thechisquareisusedtoseetheassociationbetweendemographicvariableandlevel of knowledge.

Result:To assess the attitude regarding eugenics among eligible couples. The finding related to attitude regarding eugenics among eligible couples. Majority 71.5% couples were having positive attitude whereas 28.5% couples were having negative attitude.

Conclusion: Majority 88.5% couples were having poor knowledge whereas 11.5% couples were having average knowledge. There is a strong link between knowledge and practices in this area. Eugenics among eligible couples as p value is less than 0.05 level of significance. 

Recommendation: Same study can be done in rural areas

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