A Study on Impact of Education on Employability of Individuals with Special Reference to Chennai City

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Dr. S. Tamilarasi


Socioeconomic stability is impacted by unemployment. It is a well-known fact that education is crucial to a person's ability to find employment in a productive setting. But many other factors, in addition to education, must be taken into account for employment to function properly. (K. Chhaya, 2016) This essay discusses every aspect of the relationship between education and employability. These factors have an impact on how effectively education functions. The purpose of the paper is to pinpoint the elements that keep the educational process running well. India's socioeconomic environment and attitudes are examined in the framework of this article because the nation has expanded beyond its borders and with its unique characteristics has become a global player. The study identifies the effect of education on people's employability in Chennai city and will help us make our educational system more significant for our goal of inclusive and sustainable societal growth.

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